ergonomics in the workplace | repetitive stress injuries | DFW work injury lawyer

For many employees in the Dallas Fort Worth area, aches and pains are just part of the job. Whether you work at a computer all day or perform repetitive manual tasks, you may be at risk for a repetitive strain injury (RSI). These injuries develop gradually from repeating the same motions over and over, putting strain on your muscles, tendons, and nerves.

As a work injury lawyer serving the DFW Metroplex, Warren Armstrong has seen the devastating impact RSIs can have on hardworking Texans and their families. Lost wages, expensive medical bills, ongoing pain and disability, and hard tolls on mental health are common challenges his clients face. The good news is that many RSIs are preventable with proper ergonomics in the workplace.

The Impact of Poor Ergonomics in DFW Workplaces 

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the workplace to the worker. When your workstation and tasks are not properly aligned with your body's needs, you're more likely to develop RSIs like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and lower back strains. Common risk factors include:

  • Awkward postures and reaches. Twisting, bending, or overextending your joints can put excessive strain on your muscles and tendons. Examples include reaching overhead repeatedly or twisting to one side at a workstation that's not centered.   
  • Using too much force. Gripping tools tightly, pounding on a keyboard, or lifting heavy objects without proper technique can overload your soft tissues and lead to injury over time.
  • Performing highly repetitive tasks. Repeating the same motions for hours on end, like typing, assembly line work, or using power tools, can cause wear and tear on your body's structures.  
  • Maintaining the same position for long periods. Staying in a static posture, such as sitting at a desk all day or standing at an assembly station, reduces blood flow and causes muscle fatigue.
  • Using vibrating tools or equipment. Excessive vibration from power tools or heavy machinery can damage the blood vessels and nerves in your hands and arms. 

Poor ergonomics is widespread in many DFW industries, from manufacturing and construction to health care and office jobs. These injuries are painful for workers and costly for employers in terms of lost productivity, increased health care costs, and potential legal claims.

Workplaces Where RSIs Are Most Common

While any job that involves repetitive motions, awkward postures, or forceful exertions can put you at risk for an RSI, some industries and occupations see higher rates of these injuries, including:

Office Jobs 

  • Typing and mouse use can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and neck and shoulder pain
  • Poor posture and prolonged sitting contribute to lower back pain 

Manufacturing and Assembly 

  • Repetitive motions on an assembly line are a recipe for tendonitis, bursitis, and other overuse injuries
  • Using power tools and lifting heavy parts also increases the risk

Health Care

  • Nurses and aides often develop back, shoulder, and neck injuries from lifting and transferring patients
  • Dental hygienists and lab techs are prone to hand and wrist RSIs due to precision work with instruments

Construction Trades

  • Using vibrating power tools and heavy equipment can cause nerve damage and hand-arm vibration syndrome 
  • Repetitive hammering, sawing, and drilling motions lead to muscle and tendon disorders

Service Industries

  • Cashiers and retail workers are at risk for hand, wrist, and elbow injuries from scanning items and typing
  • Restaurant servers and bartenders may suffer back, shoulder, and knee pain from prolonged standing and carrying heavy trays

No matter what industry you work in, employees and employers must prioritize ergonomics and take steps to reduce the risk of RSIs.   

Strategies to Prevent RSIs Through Ergonomics

The most effective way to prevent RSIs is to design workplaces and tasks around the capabilities and limitations of the human body. Some key ergonomic strategies include:

Optimizing Your Workstation Layout

  • Adjust your chair, work surface, and equipment to promote neutral postures. Keep your neck straight, elbows at your sides, wrists flat, and feet supported. 
  • Keep frequently used items within easy reach to avoid overextending. Arrange your workspace so you don't have to stretch or twist repeatedly. 
  • Use ergonomically designed tools and equipment. Look for padded grips, angled handles, and adjustable heights and angles.

Building Movement Into Your Workday 

  • Take frequent micro-breaks to stretch and change positions. Step away from your workstation for a few minutes each hour to stretch and refresh.
  • Alternate between different tasks to avoid repetitive motions. Rotate through a variety of activities that use different muscle groups.
  • Implement a pre-shift stretching and warm-up routine. Loosen and prepare your body for the physical demands of your job.

Using Proper Lifting and Manual Handling Techniques

  • Avoid twisting or reaching while lifting. Instead, turn your whole body and keep the load close to your center of gravity.
  • Keep loads close to your body. The farther a load is from your spine, the more stress it puts on your back.
  • Use mechanical aids like carts and hoists whenever possible. Work smarter, not harder, and let equipment take the strain off your body.

Your Rights as an Injured Worker in DFW

If you develop an RSI despite preventive measures, it's crucial to report it to your employer and seek medical attention immediately. You may be entitled to benefits like medical treatment and compensation for lost wages, even if your employer does not subscribe to workers' compensation insurance.

In these non-subscriber cases, you'll need to prove that your employer's negligence led to your injuries. This is where having an experienced Dallas Fort Worth work injury lawyer on your side can make a difference. Warren Armstrong understands the ins and outs of non-subscriber workplace injury claims and fights tenaciously to get his clients the medical care and financial recovery they deserve.

While prevention is always the best approach, you have options if you suffer from a work-related RSI in the DFW Metroplex. Reaching out to a skilled work injury attorney is an essential first step in understanding your rights and mapping out a plan to move forward after an ergonomics-related injury.